Wednesday 10 September 2014

The Developers Playground of GDG Thessaloniki started and excited guests of the 79th Thessaloniki International Fair

Developers Playground of GDG

September 07 was the opening day of the season DevFest II, for the second time in Thessaloniki official and exclusively for participants in the playground. 

Developers Google Group this year, after "guideway" from Google, focused on four key pillars that will bring the future in our hands: 
  • wearable technology 
  • cloud platforms 
  • Google Maps API 
  • Chrome Extensions and planning 

During the first day of DevFest, guests and participants of the Playground, I had the opportunity to try the Google Glass and solve their queries by Wiebe Elsinga a Google browser Glass. For this reason, developers Google Group 3 workshops planned based on technology and utility of Google Glass. The positions of these workshops filled immediately, and had over 300 people attending, or have questions about the Glass Google! 

Notable was the presentation of a 12 year old, who traveled from Athens to Thessaloniki exclusively for games. The atmosphere was very warm, and as we all know, the GDG Thessaloniki is enthusiastic when it comes to bringing these young talents. 
Google DevelopersAfter Google sessions Glass, saw Wiebe Elsinga flushes on stage when he began to assemble a team talk UX prototyping and a related workshop, where participants had to form teams and start planning your implementation. The workshop lasted over two hours, but neither the participants nor he realized how quickly time passed Wiebe. 

Alongside the conference center Emil RIADIS (former Crown) held the Lady Geek Day event for the first time in Thessaloniki, inspired by the initiative of women Techmakers Google. The panel attended four main women: Olga Stavropoulou Marika Lambrou, Sandra Zafirakopoulou and Liana Gouta. They shared their experiences with the audience and focused on the need to break the stereotypes that prevent women from participating in science, technology and entrepreneurship. Solve the problem in accordance with the same comes through changes in basic social structures such as family, but also through the educational community in line with the labor market. A pleasant surprise was the presence of two young girls, who have announced their intention to create a group of women in the areas of information technology, in an effort to come closer to the fair sex of code generation and beyond. 

After the end of the break, the event moved to stand 14, the area features the Google Developers. There spokesman Mr. John Kotsifis Hackers Media, presented the group's activities. The main target of hackers Media is developing a flexible program of basic education for journalists in order to be better equipped to deal with new technologies. The joint venture was created specifically for the purpose of the project and includes eight experienced partners representing areas of journalism, journalism education, vocational education and training and advisory services in six Member States of the European Union.


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