Thursday 8 May 2014

Gravity Free Places on Earth

gravity free places on earth

     The famous scientist Isaac Newton was the first person he saw an apple falling from the tree of the seventeenth century , it was believed that the meter is a force that pulls objects , this force called gravity . Scientist says that gravity is the force that all objects with mass attract each other in the sense that the land force that attracts all objects.

     In general , in life force us to realize that the weight of an object. According to scientists, the amount of a substance in the body called its mass , whereas weight refers to the force with which the earth pulls a material element . Indeed, the attraction of bodies falling to the ground due to the fall . falling to the Earth's mass is greater than commodity commodities that attract and draw the land we call gravity.

As we are away from the center of the earth is the weight reduction. Because the same item weight may be different in two places, the sea level on the weight of any item, is higher than the highest mountain .
Installed in a high building elevator starts to go down in the elevator, but the elevator is all to stop weight loss , weight gain seems to think so ... !

     Thus it is said that Earth -like planets and stars in the universe Mojo d between gravity , why are circulating in orbit. , As the moon moves around the earth because of gravity, so yes all the solar system planets around the sun are tied to the same bonds . But scientists say the Earth , bound for the moon with a rocket leaving Earth orbit weights are the same person and things that are connected.
Sun and Solar syargan drmyn also weighing its appeal if there is an infinite space where ?

     Moreover, many things have to be explained. British Geological Survey UK Agency after forty years of work in the UK as a whole have seen this astonishing map that reveals the difference of gravity in many regions of the UK drinks . It shows that the severity of the final information not available to scientists.

     There are few places on earth where the gravity of the irregularity is garvity anomalies . Geology speaks does not know why we have not yet arrived. Hajj and Umrah Saudi Arabia, the largest number of visitors aware , are mdyn ة almnurh about 35 km away is a valley valley byza ء ء ky aur Valley byda known . Those Jinn says Valle . Them name for this feature of the valleys are strange . There is a path down the valley towards the vehicle automatically operates from 20 degrees to 60 km. Simply leave the car without a race - neutral. What's a little water in the valley , the road would be demolished his side up. Certain individuals associated with the Giants do, some people thought that magnetism , or the lack of gravity causes and some people say it is the deception of sight.
Only God knows the truth ? ...

     But it's not just a promise . Hynjhan sites occur in regions of the world such situation arises and vehicles instead of running down the slope toward the water and other things seem chrhny
     Around different places .... It's called the Giants and allowances due to understand creepy hill Spuky Hill says , that people understand that mqna tysy magnetic field is called magnetic and gravity hills Colina recognize the seriousness of the irregularity of mqamt gravity hills called shaken.

     Globally, found the way to 80 points to South Australia , New South Wales, Brazil, Canada , China , France, Germany, Ireland , Indonesia, Italy, Korea , Malaysia, Mexico , Oman , Philippines , Portugal , Romania, Guatemala , England , Scotland, and several U.S. states are also present in India. these places tourists in large numbers and land in this strange state of confusion enjoy.

     Scientists studying these places or support irregularities in the gravity or magnetic effects , or the work of giants .... Scientists say places like Magnetic Hill is just artifice of our eyes. Most mysterious places are in the mountain valleys . Its steep valleys and twists arhy downstairs , make it difficult to assess the level of truth. , So we're taking the costs actually are. Our perceptions of the gravity and magnetic irregularities downward spiral, which is actually cheating our eyes are considered .

     Generally mountainous areas , the surface soil horizon darkened horizon , and dark as the remains of roads, around trees , buildings and walls Our eyes and earth deception difficult to pin horizontal direction are considered incapable . It places people a slope of 5 degrees standing huntuuh 1 degree slope looks like a support dhluan 20 degrees , it appears that costs 5 degrees is . Because of this effect the people who actually 20-30 degree slope grandson standing in fraud of vehicles, goods and sometimes even rivers flowing against gravity watches

     This explains described by scientists themselves are compactly mystery solved , but the Magnetic Hill mountain valleys in many places instead of the plains and the British Geological Survey maps observed gravity and magnetic anomaly map also show that gravity theories swings .

      The Magnetic Hill in places like gravity is a disturbance or a transcendent and unknown science behind the illusion of the eyes or is merely


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