Wednesday 28 May 2014

Intel Unveils a Robot and a Smart Shirt - One More Step to Future

The Conference Code gives IT heavy hitters the opportunity to share their ideas , show off new products and really nerd out.
Intel 3D Printing

The inaugural conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California allows all these things to happen , but also features an avenue for some products a little strange to be thrust into the spotlight. Two such data come from the creative teams at Intel Corp.

Stuck in a cool $ 1.600 participants were the first to see the new Bots , Jimmy. While other companies have , for years , have demonstrated their robot small automatic from Intel, is quite unique in that they are completely printable .

Reuters reported the white , two -foot tall robot brought on stage at the event and was introduced as a research robot if a 3D - printable plan will be available " free of charge for a slightly less advanced version , and the partners will sell components that can not be 3D - printed, such as motors and a processor Intel Edison, dependencies .

The little robot can sing , translate other languages ​​, have access to some social networks and , reportedly , even serve a cold drink. Robots , of course , can not be too innovative when it comes to IT, and other new products Intel is a little more unique .

The new Smart T - shirt created especially those who practice in mind. Created in collaboration with AIQ, the shirt has conductive fibers so wearers can monitor their heart rate to the information carried in a Smartphone.

New York Times blogger Nick Bilton wrote about the product Wednesday pointing to the head of Intel new devices , Mike Bell, and a video posted Re / code. In this video , Bell explained how the shirt can ultimately include a 3G chip that could automatically transfer the data to the cloud, as the wearer passes through their exercise routine .

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